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Kommentaarid 11

Aga jäi ju hiljaks, transi mees puutus peaga palli enne
Härra Porloon
Kas liidu uue uudise valguses võtate nüüd selle podcasti maha? Uskumatu ikka kuidas isegi meie tippkohtunik Jaanovits, kes koolitab ja teeb asju, ei suuda ka pärast mängu oma rikkumist tuvastada.. Hea et vähemalt liidu enda komisjon võttis munad kätte ja tõi selguse olukorda.
Lõpeb ära see Flora-poolse musta industri-poolne valgeks rääkimine ükskord ehk?
Soccernet on pohlaku diktatuuriliidu palgal. Kes maksab, see tellib ka muusika. Lihtne,nagu ütles Harju Loogiline Malevas.
Zhess Evans
I'm a Flora fan, and given the actual situation in the game, I think Markkus didn't see Mark at the time, he didn't mean to, but it was really Markkus' fault, I think he should have had a card (yellow or red), Less than 10 minutes into the game, the referee didn't want to give a red too early, so the referee gave him a yellow. Is there any problem?
Zhess Evans,
yes, there is a problem. Exactly the problem that the referee didn't want to give red so early - that's unfair. And for the benefit of Flora. As always.
Zhess Evans, so following your logic in the first 10 minutes of the game anyone can slide-tackle with two feet from behind and there would be no red too?
Zhess Evans
The problem is that no one asked questions when Flora was unfairly treated. Don't tell me no one knows what the Flora U21 kids went through in a certain game against Elva (laughs
Zhess Evans
Oh, by the way, in most football leagues, most referees will be relatively lenient in the first ten minutes (or first fifteen minutes) of the game, and like I mentioned before Markkus didn't mean it, So "in the first 10 minutes of the game anyone can slide-tackle with two feet from behind and there would be no red too" is not true My English is very poor, so it takes me a long time to reply, I think it is necessary for me to add a sentence in my native language (because I can't translate it into English or Estonian)“他妈的你们这群球盲别看球了浪费老子的时间”
Zhess Evans,
Markkus didn't mean it... Oh really? What counts is the fact. Kick in the face is red. It's that simple. Official decision by the referees department says so too.
Flora is part of the corrupt system, everybody knows that in Estonia.
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